Thursday, October 30, 2014

OIABM011: Walking Doctors, Once Upon A Flashy Arrow, and Sons of American Horror

Spoiler Alert! This OIABM podcast discusses the most recent episodes of Doctor Who, American Horror Story, Once Upon A Time, Walking Dead, Flash, Arrow, and through the season finale of Season 6 of Sons of Anarchy. You've been warned.

Donald (@donaldjr) leads Kamille (@LadyOddity) and Matt (@musicalconcepts) in the discussion of all of the above.

Enjoy and tweet your thoughts about these episodes to the aforementioned twitter handles.


Thursday, October 9, 2014

OIABM010: Sons of Who, Once Upon A FLASHy Arrow, And Supernatural Homeland

Spoiler alert: This podcast briefly covers events of the most recent episodes of Doctor Who, Once Upon A Time, Arrow, Flash, Homeland, Supernatural, and the S4 finale of Sons of Anarchy. You've been warned.

Kamille (@LadyOddity on Twitter), Donald (@DonaldJr) and Matt (@musicalconcepts) talk all this and more!

Please leave us a review on iTunes and let us know how you feel about our rants or tweet us!
